5th Annual Winners Conference
4-7 January 2018
Iganga, Uganda, East Africa
Hosted by Rescue City Church, Iganga, Uganda, under the leadership of Apostle Daniel Byamukama, with guest speaker Amanda Grobbelaar and Bishop Peter Wanyama, overseer of Christian Family Church International, Uganda, and Pastor Steven Edward Kabunga.
The Core of Amanda's messageWe get degrees of comparisons for most things, like:
Tall, taller, tallest. Small, smaller, smallest. Big, bigger, biggest. But interestingly there is no degree of comparison for called. We do not get called, caller, callest. Every person who serves in the Lord’s army, are simply called. God in his wisdom knew that “called” should be the last thing that His servants ever compare with one another. Praise God, that when we are called, we are just simply called. Until that day when the prophecy in Isaiah is fulfilled and the Kingdom is restored to its intended glory, God will look for willing people who trust Him enough to give life to His plans. Isaiah 54:14 (NKJV) 14 In righteousness you shall be established; You shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; And from terror, for it shall not come near you. Isaiah points to that glorious day when the church and her people (God’s kingdom on earth) shall be restored to what God all along attended it to be; to what it was before the father of all lies deceived Adam and Eve and sin crept in and distorted everything. That glorious day, when our prayers are answered: Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. What a glorious day it shall be. Truly something to look forward to. But until that day, we have a job to do. |
This is Daniel
Daniel Byamukama
Regional Director, Africa "Daniel Byamukama is Director of the Mivule Trust and founder of the Rescue Apostolic Ministry. Through Mivule, Daniel has worked with farmers on improving the environment throughout Uganda, Burundi, and Southern Sudan, benefitting more than 6000 families. He has attended both Haggai Institute and Veritas College, and served as a church planter, leadership developer, and pastor over the last 25 years. In 2000 he started the Great Discovery School of Ministry to train hundreds of leaders in ministry. Daniel lives with his wife Juliet in Iganga, Uganda and has four children: Shammah, Jolly, Paupers, and Prosper." - Reverb Network ( http://reverbnetwork.org/) |
A Worthy Cause
AP Daniel Byamukama, Executive Director Mivule Trust and Team Leader Rescue Apostolic Ministry, Iganga, Uganda, East Africa |
EV Joshua of Light Angels Kindergarten, Iganga, Uganda |