Looking back on my 45 years on planet earth, if I had to pick one year which had the potential to make or break me, I would have to pick on 2014.
I was in denial about my MS for a long time. It took me more than a year after diagnosis to say the two letters of the alphabet “M” and “S” together. Sometimes my tongue still twists when I share my story and have to say the words “Multiple Sclerosis”. No offence, but I really do not like those two words in the same breath.
Multiple achievements and multiple friends and multiple awards and multiple properties sound great, but there is nothing sexy or feminine or smart about the words “Multiple Sclerosis”.
After a particularly stressful time at work, the MonSter came to have some fun with me. I received a devastating report regarding my short term memory and after 16 years in the financial services industry, on the 1st of August 2014 I sadly had to resign.
Am I the only person ever who was defined by her occupation? Two weeks after I handed in my resignation, my wheels came off. I cried for a day on end. I guess in a sense it was a funeral; the final curtain; the death of something I once held dear. I closed the office door and I walked away.
Thankfully sanity prevailed and I had a long and hard discussion with myself. Was I going to roll over and play dead or was I going to shift gears and change direction?
So, a few days ago, I published my own “www” and I am going to use this platform to share my trials and tribulations.
"Why", you may ask.
Well, if my journey encourages one person to not give up, to dust off the knees, to look life square in the eyes and say: “If an ordinary person like Amanda can find purpose under these circumstances, then so can I” and I would say: “Mission accomplished”!
The difference between the end of 2014 and be beginning of 2015 was less than one second! If we focus too long on the end, we may miss the brand new start.
Mourn if you have to, for as long as you need to, but always with the aim to learn from the experience, to heal completely and to use it to make a positive difference.
Until next time! Be happy and be blessed.
Amanda G
I was in denial about my MS for a long time. It took me more than a year after diagnosis to say the two letters of the alphabet “M” and “S” together. Sometimes my tongue still twists when I share my story and have to say the words “Multiple Sclerosis”. No offence, but I really do not like those two words in the same breath.
Multiple achievements and multiple friends and multiple awards and multiple properties sound great, but there is nothing sexy or feminine or smart about the words “Multiple Sclerosis”.
After a particularly stressful time at work, the MonSter came to have some fun with me. I received a devastating report regarding my short term memory and after 16 years in the financial services industry, on the 1st of August 2014 I sadly had to resign.
Am I the only person ever who was defined by her occupation? Two weeks after I handed in my resignation, my wheels came off. I cried for a day on end. I guess in a sense it was a funeral; the final curtain; the death of something I once held dear. I closed the office door and I walked away.
Thankfully sanity prevailed and I had a long and hard discussion with myself. Was I going to roll over and play dead or was I going to shift gears and change direction?
So, a few days ago, I published my own “www” and I am going to use this platform to share my trials and tribulations.
"Why", you may ask.
Well, if my journey encourages one person to not give up, to dust off the knees, to look life square in the eyes and say: “If an ordinary person like Amanda can find purpose under these circumstances, then so can I” and I would say: “Mission accomplished”!
The difference between the end of 2014 and be beginning of 2015 was less than one second! If we focus too long on the end, we may miss the brand new start.
Mourn if you have to, for as long as you need to, but always with the aim to learn from the experience, to heal completely and to use it to make a positive difference.
Until next time! Be happy and be blessed.
Amanda G