Funny how there is nothing bad in the “good old days”
– especially when it suits the enemy!
Although the painted picture is extremely one-sided, yesterday I remembered my “good old days” as much less complicated, much more glamorous, and much happier than my life is right now and it was not long before my raving pity party for one was in full swing! I actually expected a knock on my door to turn down the noise.
Fortunately, by Grace alone, sanity prevailed and this simple, yet profound truth surfaced through all the “you-know-what” and tears: Our lives – past, present and future - are as good or as bad as we allow it to be.
When I spend time on the past, depending on the emotion it stirs up in me, I can choose which memories to treasure and which memories to dump straight away.
When memories from my past stir up the warm and fuzzy in my heart, I keep on treasuring them, but when they turn my stomach, I dump them faster than a hot potato!
When I gaze into the future with an expectation of what God plans for the next season, I feel nothing but hope and excitement, but when I try to figure out what the future may hold, against the backdrop of all the uncertainty of my complicated journey, I start to feel fearful and anxious. Drop the hot potato, Amanda!
I am happy and content when I spend time in the here and now and appreciate the good things God has for me now. It is best to recognise and appreciate TODAY for the amazing gift it is.
A young friend gifted Brian Huston’s book, “Live Love Lead” to me and the following two passages really encouraged me to keep my eyes on Jesus and to press on:
“If we begin doubting our directions, our route, or our destination, then we’ll usually stop to try and sort things out. But once we stop, then it becomes easier and easier to just go the easy way, the path of least resistance. Why worry about accomplishing something that seems impossible when you can just take it easy”?
“Whenever we begin feeling as if we’re not talented enough or smart enough, that we don’t have enough resources or enough support, that we should lower our expectations, then we must return to what God’s Word tells us. The Bible assures us that we can do all things through Christ, that we are more than conquerors. God tells us that he will supply all our needs according to his limitless resources. We have to remember what’s true and not start second-guessing what God has called us to accomplish”.
So I made myself this little photo reminder and I hope it helps you too when the “good old days” seem a little too good to be true.
Until next time! Be happy and healthy.
Amanda G.
– especially when it suits the enemy!
Although the painted picture is extremely one-sided, yesterday I remembered my “good old days” as much less complicated, much more glamorous, and much happier than my life is right now and it was not long before my raving pity party for one was in full swing! I actually expected a knock on my door to turn down the noise.
Fortunately, by Grace alone, sanity prevailed and this simple, yet profound truth surfaced through all the “you-know-what” and tears: Our lives – past, present and future - are as good or as bad as we allow it to be.
When I spend time on the past, depending on the emotion it stirs up in me, I can choose which memories to treasure and which memories to dump straight away.
When memories from my past stir up the warm and fuzzy in my heart, I keep on treasuring them, but when they turn my stomach, I dump them faster than a hot potato!
When I gaze into the future with an expectation of what God plans for the next season, I feel nothing but hope and excitement, but when I try to figure out what the future may hold, against the backdrop of all the uncertainty of my complicated journey, I start to feel fearful and anxious. Drop the hot potato, Amanda!
I am happy and content when I spend time in the here and now and appreciate the good things God has for me now. It is best to recognise and appreciate TODAY for the amazing gift it is.
A young friend gifted Brian Huston’s book, “Live Love Lead” to me and the following two passages really encouraged me to keep my eyes on Jesus and to press on:
“If we begin doubting our directions, our route, or our destination, then we’ll usually stop to try and sort things out. But once we stop, then it becomes easier and easier to just go the easy way, the path of least resistance. Why worry about accomplishing something that seems impossible when you can just take it easy”?
“Whenever we begin feeling as if we’re not talented enough or smart enough, that we don’t have enough resources or enough support, that we should lower our expectations, then we must return to what God’s Word tells us. The Bible assures us that we can do all things through Christ, that we are more than conquerors. God tells us that he will supply all our needs according to his limitless resources. We have to remember what’s true and not start second-guessing what God has called us to accomplish”.
So I made myself this little photo reminder and I hope it helps you too when the “good old days” seem a little too good to be true.
Until next time! Be happy and healthy.
Amanda G.